Brand Ambassadors
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Eric Blandford | Iraq Veteran 8888In the beginning... Eric and Chad became friends in high school by sharing a love of music. They eventually discovered they shared a love of firearms as well. In 2008, Eric and Chad began to record their reloading days and trips to the range on a little Sony point and shoot camera - just for fun. Eric uploaded these videos to YouTube and noticed that he started gaining subscribers. He would receive an email for each new subscriber and one day woke up to over 300 email notifications at which point he had to disable those notifications! YouTube invited Iraqveteran8888 to become one of the first 50 channels to become part of their new "partners" program - they wanted to place ads on the content. Today Iraqveteran8888 has over 1.8 million subscribers and over 498 million video views.
Everyone at Iraqveteran8888 strongly believes that the right to self-preservation is a fundamental human right. Those that would disarm others are evil at heart and only wish to remove a person’s ability to defend themselves. The 2A lifestyle is one that must be lived every day. Sport shooting, hunting, self-defense - as well as potentially fighting an invading force foreign or domestic - are all cornerstones of the original concept. Eric, Brandy and Chad are pro modern rifles, pro black rifles, but also love shooting black Powder and vintage military rifles. The 2A is not a bargaining chip. It’s a simple and basic statement but a bold statement. The words “shall not be infringed” are very clear. Our 2nd Amendment is clearly worded and very simple to understand. Iraqveteran8888 will always fight for a zero-compromise stance on the 2nd Amendment. There is no such thing as compromising with a right.
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Ian McCollum | Forgotten WeaponsForgotten Weapons is a Website and channel appearing on YouTube, created and presented by Ian McCollum, that covers the history of Antique firearms, obscure, and historically important firearms. Ian frequently features unusual, rare, odd, experimental, One-off production firearms on the channel and in his blog. McCollum covers the history of such firearms in detail, and explains how important certain firearms were to the development of weapon technologies, and the history of warfare. Firearm. He often also usually explains the functioning and parts of the gun by disassembling it. McCollum often borrows the firearms from auction houses, most commonly the Rock Island Auctions and Morphy Auctions. He has also written books and articles for Popular Mechanics on the topic of firearms.
Don Porter | Sootch00The Sootch00 YouTube channel is dedicated to Promoting gun Ownership, INSPIRING Rugged Individualism, and Protecting the 2nd Amendment. God Bless America, Long Live the republic! YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Sensible Prepper
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22Plinkster22plinkster is a familiar face to fans around the world. His collection of more than 500 YouTube videos featuring rimfire trick shots and other entertaining shooting demonstrations has to date attracted more than 763,000 subscribers and garnered more than 146 million views. 22plinkster draws on a lifelong love of shooting and his father’s teaching to dream up and complete a variety of amazing shots. YouTube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
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Tactical ConsiderationsMike bring his audience information on the gear and equipment you are looking for. He served in the Army Special Operations, has a Law Enforcement background and has been an instructor in various subjects relating to constitutional issues, self defense, use of force and firearms instruction YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Website
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Stavroula (Stav) MacQuarrie | She Equips HerselfWhen I first started learning about guns, I didn’t see anyone who represented me. My mission in life became teaching other women out there that firearms are for us too! I became an instructor and as I taught more and more women, I found that the best way to reach a wider audience was through my Youtube channel. Now I can connect with women all around the world, teaching through my videos and my online courses. I’m here to show you that making a gun part of your daily life is doable and doesn’t have to mean a dramatic change in your lifestyle. It all comes down to confidence and education. If I can do it, so can you! YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Website
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Steve Gould | Target Focused LifeSteve Gould started Target Focused Life to share his passion for all things shotguns, upland, waterfowl, hunting dogs, and more. Target Focused Life educates through reviews and how-to's, entertains with fun videos and adventures, and, most importantly, inspires people to live Target Focused because whether in the field or life, we will only hit the targets we are focused on.
“I am constantly cleaning shotguns and I want the quickest, most effective products to get the job done. I have been shooting professionally for over 13 years and I have tried many different products. Otis and Shooters Choice products have been the products that I use and trust."
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Nikki BoxlerNikki Boxler is a woman of many talents. She’s a successful influencer, hunter, dairy farmer, maple syrup harvester, marketing whiz and owner of a safari animal park. The entrepreneurial spirit runs in her blood. She accredits her great grandfather for her relentless drive. He immigrated from Switzerland with nothing in the 1920s and opened the dairy farm and then Boxler Maple. “He started with 10 cows,” Nikki says. “We now have about 6,000 head of cattle.” The maple syrup business came shortly after the dairy farm. Small batch bottles of maple syrup we’re sold locally. The business eventually became more of a hobby project for her great grandfather and her father. It’s currently run by Nikki, her brother and father. She wears many hats in the company from tapping trees to manual labor and marketing. Family, animals, and the outdoors are continuous themes in Nikki’s life. Her family’s drive-thru animal safari park, Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, has over 50 species of animals. Visitors interact with the animals who tend to pop their heads into vehicles while looking for treats on these tours. “Animals had a major impact on my life,” says Nikki. “I was bullied badly in high school and being around the animals was a place I could go to keep my sanity.” She brought in a camel for her final English exam. She attributes hunting for the strong bond she shares with her father and brother. She grew up stalking prey in the woods following her father’s lead. Her love for the outdoors led to Nikki connecting with her husband. Fishing is their shared sport, one she rarely participated in before he came into her life. It didn’t take long for her to excel. She and her husband’s team won biggest fish in a Muskie fishing competition they participated in. Nikki continues to pursue and succeed in her many endeavors. She’s relentless and rarely takes time off. Yet, somehow, manages to find time outside of her daily responsibilities within her family’s businesses to work as a freelance marketer for other businesses.
Kristy Lee Cook | The Most Wanted ListKristy Lee Cook is an American country singer who was the seventh place finalist on the seventh season of American Idol. Cook was born in Seattle, Washington, to Larry and Carlene Cook. She is the youngest of three children. Her brother-in-law is American football quarterback John Dutton who formerly played in the NFL and AFL. She lives in Amarillo, Texas. with her husband Lee Orr and son Tillman. In 2005, Cook released her first album called Devoted. In June 2008, Cook signed to 19 Recordings and Arista Nashville. She released her post-Idol album, Why Wait, on September 16, 2008. This album has produced her first chart single, "15 Minutes of Shame", a Top 30 hit on the Billboard country charts. Her first single for Broken Bow Records, "Airborne Ranger Infantry", was released on October 16, 2012. Cook was involved in a number of TV shows after appearing on American Idol. She was the host of a show in the Outdoor Channel called Outdoors’ 10 Best in 2010. She appeared as a judge in the same year in Wanted: Adventure Host. She was also the host in the series on hunting on the Versus channel, Goin' Country, in 2011-2013. Cook is currently the owner and host of the top 10 TV show The Most Wanted List, which is currently filming season 8. You can also find the airings of the show on Kristy Lee Cook's Youtube Channel.
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Air-Hunter GerhardI enjoy air gun hunting and cooking for a living. Air gun Hunting in South Africa is my desire to make a airgun hunting video like you never seen before. Air guns for hunters like me is a part of live and a passion to use them to the extreme. This channel features anything from hunting rats, hunting pest birds and airgun hunting big game animals. My air gun of choice is mostly a fx impact but also use centerfire rifles for high power outdoor adventure hunts. Long-range hunting shots is like hunting games to me and i find it very satisfying and challenging. Pest control is one of my favorite hunting methods to use a pellet gun or rifle.
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Michelle Waldran | Tactical Girl MichelleI was born in Seoul, South Korea, but now calling Tulsa, Oklahoma my home. I was first introduced to handguns at the age of 14, when visiting my uncle on summer break. I was fascinated by his handgun collection, he taught me about the components, safety and mechanics of pistol functions and when he asked if I wanted to go shoot, the answer was a no-brainer. Years later, when I turned 21, I returned to pistols as a way to protect myself. I’ve been a certified NRA pistol instructor, Council on Law Enforcement and Training (C.L.E.E.T.) handgun instructor, Oklahoma self-defense act instructor and a range safety officer for 10 years now. I mainly focus on teaching ladies to shoot proficiently. It’s so rewarding to see the smiles on their faces as they make their hits. It’s my passion to share the knowledge that I have obtained over the years. I was introduced to Otis Cleaning Technology Tactical cleaning kit back in 2013. Fell in love with Otis Ripcord! I trust their products for all of my gun cleaning care. I love the convenience of ELITE range box. Everything you need in ONE box! |
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Alexis Lagan | Team USAInternational Pistol Shooting: International Women’s Sport Pistol and Women’s Air Pistol is a style of shooting performed all over the world and is celebrated at the Olympics. Titles and Awards
At my first SHOT Show, I walked past the OTIS Technology booth and there was a giant poster of Kim Rhode who was sponsored by OTIS. I had the biggest celebrity crush on Kim, so of course I had to try the products she stood by. I quickly learned there was a reason she used Otis products. The pistols, rifles, and shotguns we use for Olympic Shooting Sports are expensive and finicky. OTIS Technology produces quality products that can be trusted to clean and care for the most precious of firearms. I regularly use my CLP Wipes and Universal Gun Care System to prepare my sport pistol for competitions around the world, including the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. I've used these products for years, and I can confidently take my guns to the line knowing they have been cleaned and cared for with OTIS Technology products. I have been shooting all my life; however, I only started shooting this style of shooting in 2015. I began shooting to make friends in college, and found that as well as an incredibly exciting career that I love. Since my days of shooting with the University of Utah team, I have won multiple national titles that have allowed me the privilege of pursuing a shooting career on the international stage. Training has become part of my daily ritual, whether it be at the range or at home, shooting is always on my mind. I was born and raised in Boulder City, NV, just outside of Las Vegas. Growing up, my parents encouraged me to join and participate in many clubs, organizations, and sports. We would go as a family to the Boulder City Rifle and Pistol Club on the weekends to enjoy a little trigger time all together and where I developed a joy for being on the range. When I went away to the University of Utah to pursue a degree in Pre-Law Physics, I joined the Utah Precision Marksmanship Team and learned international shooting sports. Learning I had a natural talent for Women's Air and Women's Sport Pistol, upon graduation, I moved to the Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs to train for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Since making the decision to go for gold, there have been many bumps and bruises, such as when the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee completely cut funding for the US Olympic Pistol Team only four months after moving to the training center. These stumbles and moments of doubt on if I can truly accomplish my goals have molded me from being an enthusiast to an elite athlete. I have learned so much not only about this sport, but also about myself and how resilient I have become. All of the challenges paved the way for me to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics as a member of Team USA. The skills I learned from these hiccups helped me to tie my personal best in Women's Sport Pistol and push my world ranking to 12th in the world. Being an Olympian in shooting sports has been an incredible experience, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
...and many more Affiliates, and Field Agents.